Oddly enough my skin looks better
now than when I was in my 20’s! In my 20’s I had late onset of pimples while
everyone else had perfect skin. I was an oil slick at the time when matte shine-free skin was the norm. While my friends were done with pimples and troubled
skin; I was having skin problems till I was about 26 years old! I've been to all types of dermatologists and facialists I can't remember who truly cleared up my skin. My teen skin
was a different story, when my friends were all getting pimples my skin was
plump and perfect! So you can say even my skin is a late bloomer!
I feel in my 30’s I know now and
have a better idea of what works for me and my skin type. First I have to let
you know that I don’t have perfect skin, I have large pores and still at 36 I
continue to have occasional acne! Which all the more makes me a great “guinea
pig” for all kinds of facial products. I try my best to care for my skin but I also try to streamline my daily routine to keep things simple and easy to follow.
Let me share with you my tips, tricks and
favorite products when it comes to caring for my COMBINATION and TEMPERAMENTAL
FIRST I cleanse –
My favorite
nigh time cleanser is the Shu Uemura Skin Purifier Oil; at first it didn't make sense to me to clean an already oily face with oil, but it works so well I was hooked! It removes makeup and dirt so well you won't need to buy any other makeup remover for your eyes. MY favorite is the purple one. Whiteefficient clear brightening gentle cleansing oil as it clarifies, brightens and evens out my skin tone.
During the day I wash my face with Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming
cleanser. Its light, refreshing and doesn't dry out my skin.
NIGHT TIME CLEANSERS: Shu Uemura Skin Purifier Cleansing oil. The purple one works best for me! The green one is also good because of its anti-aging properties!
DAYTIME CLEANSER: This works so well even my husband loves it! He uses it as a shaving cream! |
SECOND I tone – I use Dickinson's All natural Witch Hazel which is gentle yet very tough on dirt and excess oil! I don't use toner everyday though, I just use this everytime I feel my oil glands are on hyper mode and whenever I feel a pimple is about to come out. It helps dry up existing pimples too! Some swear it works great as a pore minimizer too!
I transfer the contents into a spray bottle and spritz my face with Witch Hazel toner, and then wipe it all off with a square type cotton sheet. It freshens up my skin in an instant! |
I EXFOLIATE two to three times a week! My tried and tested exfoliating products are: St. Ives Apricot Scrub, CURE Natural Aqua Gel and an all natural
KONJAC sponge. I use these alternately as they all work so well for me. I cannot choose just one!
MY exfoliating team!! They all work so well I use them alternately!