grew up in a household full of girls, our Papa was the only male figure I had
my entire life! I'm the youngest and I have two sisters. We had an organized
household, there was peace and quiet. All the rooms were clean, tidy and
everything had its place.
forward to thirty-six years later I never imagined I would have two sons! Two very active, adorable, lively,
happy and did I mention “VERY ACTIVE” boys?! Everyday is an eye-opening
experience for me and everyday I feel for all my fellow moms out there who like
me have BOYS instead of GIRLS!
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My boys! Miguel is 5.4 years old while Jaime is almost 3 years old :) |
Let me share
with you MY list of the JOYS and PAINS of having TWO BOYS:
If you have a son BE prepared to get hurt! Of course not intentionally but it’s
guaranteed that they will accidentally hit you, kick you and even punch you! My
sons almost always step on my hair when we are lying down!
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That's me under attack! This is a typical day in our household :) |
JOYS: In their eyes I’m the QUEEN BEE, my boys cling to me whenever they see me. It’s always MAMA, MAMA, MAMA and I love it! I know this won’t last forever so I am enjoying it as best I could!
My boys are very active even when they sleep! I’ve learned to sleep with a king
size pillow covering me from my chin down to my hips. My boys reach out for me
while they sleep and sometimes reaching out turns into punch like wallops that
can really hurt! Thus the big pillow!
I don’t know if it’s just my boys, but they seem to never run out of energy!
They can run around continuously for hours and hours without getting tired.
At just 5 years old and barely 3 years old, Miguel and Jaime can fight like
there is no tomorrow! I’ve seen them pull each other’s shirts and wail as if
their life depended on it!
My boys can show their affection in ways that can make any mother’s heart melt.
Miguel would chase me around so he can kiss my armpits! Something I can never
get used to, but it’s something he loves to do! Jaime would give me a surprise
shower of kisses that usually end in a giggle fest because I would eventually
want him to stop since my whole face is already covered in his saliva! Boys really know how to love their mom!
With boys I think “accidents” can never be avoided, we’ve tried everything we
could so they won’t get hurt but the occasional “bukol” and wounds still occur.
Our household is never quiet, there is always a boy laughing loudly, playing loudly, crying
loudly, or asking for something, very loudly!
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I woke up thinking Veegee must have called the carpenter to make repairs but then I saw the boys hammering away at our wall with their "fake" but still very noisy hammers! :) |
Anytime they get hurt, scared or worried my sons always look for me. They don’t reach for their father or
their yayas; who cared for them most of their lives, they ask for ME!
My husband is having the time of his life! The boys look up to him and they
have their father and son bonding moments, he looks at his sons as his “mini
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Papa Veegee and his BOYS! :) |
Now that the boys are bigger it also means they are becoming stronger! Miguel
at 5 is almost 4 feet tall and weighs 60 pounds! Jaime at barely 3 is 3.5 feet
tall and weighs 45 pounds! They accidentally hit my nose the other week and I
had to go see a doctor because my nose hurt and bled for days!
Now that Miguel is going to a big school, I am realizing that teaching a boy is
quite different from teaching a girl! Sometimes when we are doing his homework
I feel I need to be as animated as I could so I can keep his attention.
We have in our midst the opportunity to raise “sensitive and kind great men”
that I as a mother wish would at least try to make a difference in this world.
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I always pray that Veegee and I will be able to do a great job at raising these two boys! |